Start Simple With MyPlate
Start Simple With MyPlate

Secretary Sonny Perdue announced a new campaign to help simplify the nutrition information that surrounds us each day.

Balancing Nutrition and Taste
Balancing Nutrition and Taste

Beginning next summer, schools will no longer have to request state exemptions to serve products that are not whole grain.

Senate Testimony on SNAP Program
Senate Testimony on SNAP Program

Secretary Perdue, during a U.S. Senate hearing, reiterated the need to restore the original intent of the SNAP, which is to be a second chance and not a way of life.


Celebrating National Nutrition Month
Celebrating National Nutrition Month

March 1-31, 2019

Hiring Flexibility under Professional Standards
School Hiring Flexibility under Professional Standards

USDA adds flexibilities to the hiring standards for new school nutrition program directors in small local educational agencies.

Dietary Guidelines of America (DGA) logo
2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Announced

Panel experts will review scientific evidence on key nutrition topics to support new guidelines.


USDA to Restore Original Intent of SNAP
USDA to Restore Original Intent of SNAP

Proposed SNAP rule to help move people from dependence into self-sufficiency.

school lunch
Increased Flexibility

Flexibility on milk, whole grains and sodium provides options to schools

school lunch
Updating the Food Crediting System

Food crediting policy updates for USDA's child nutrition programs

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FNS Strategic Priorities

  • Provide Americans with access to nutritious food.
  • Utilize data-driven strategies to improve program integrity.
  • Maintain a high-performing workforce by improving performance and increasing accountability.
  • Deliver FNS programs in a manner that maximizes customer service and ensures equal access and opportunity.
  • Ensure FNS programs pave a pathway to self-sufficiency.